Pearl Powder Power! This goes *PEW PEW* to whatever makes your skin NOT awesome.Avena brightening lotion


My mom came home with this stuff about 2 days ago. Earlier when we were in the car she kept making me feel her arm. “Anak! Peeel my arm eet ees soooo esmood!” and I JUST NOW tried it after my shower. Momma was damn right. My skin has never been this smooth before. I’ve always had problems with all kinds of lotion from high end and below being greasy on meh bodayy.

This 17oz bottle of bodylicious lather was apparently $10.00 at Walmart,. I’m not sure if your local stores carry it because I haven’t found a pic or anything about this lotion on le interwebz AT ALL. Maybe I’ve accidentally over looked it as I don’t have my night glasses on *pushes bridge*. The thing that drew me into it most is the fact that it states on the front that it’s made with 100% pearl powder and I was like WHAA FAAANCYYY. Yeah, it’s pretty damn luscious. It instantly absorbs with no left over gross feeling whether it be greasiness or having little pieces of it rolling off *ugh blech ugh*. it smells lovely as well. I just love that clean smell ya know? Not musky or anything. Notes of AWESOME is all I can say it has.Everyone has their own opinion, this is mine. I can tell you right now, I’ll be shelling out for this stuff until it’s gone.

Want silky, radiant, and sexy skin? Cough up the $10.