Everyone is “poppin’ tags” these days

Bandolino heels thanks to Macklemore & friends that is. I’m pretty sure people have gone through the motions with venturing out to the second-hand stores even more now since “Thrift shop” came out. I must admit…not long before I discovered that song did I start coming out admitting I got my wonderful D&G sweater from my local Goodwill. That’s right, I was embarrassed to admit where I’ve gotten some of the items that willingly embrace my body.

As a kid, my mom would drag me to yard sales and thrift stores and I’ve always begged my mom to leave me home or let me stay in the car…however my mom never let that happen. She has always went to the mall for most of her clothes, however when she comes home with random things, I automatically know exactly where it came from. I even remember telling my mom “Even if you give me $1,000,000, I will NEVER EVER EVER go to a thrift store!” Ohhhhh the budding angst of youth. Now that I’m 21…I can’t count how many times I’ve regret missing a good thrift trip with my mom. From now on, I’ve figured it’s not THAT much different than buying clothes from the mall. I mean, how many times has a super sweaty and non showered someone tried on those sexy skinny jeans on the rack at the mall? Even if you do think about it…you wash it and wear it. However with my TS finds, I double up the soap and do a super wash lol.

The economy sucks. I don’t care if you’re rich or not, yes, the economy sucks at the moment. I don’t remember the last time I went to the mall and spent $20 on 10 or more clothing items, even on a sale WHILE helping a good cause. Yep, my mom’s thrifting gene found it’s way of showing out of me.

Bandolino peep-toe heels-$2! Saw a USED pair on ebay with worse condition selling for around $20